Hi folks What’s going on, As you may know that React js is currently leading front end technology to build websites with basically to work with api’s. Where api’s works as backend and React js works as front end to handle all the data using various hooks. So lets start learning how to Install or work react on localhost with windows.
What is React? Why do we are using it?
In short React is JavaScript library which has been developed by Facebook in 2011. React is efficient and flexible to be chosen as frontend.
How to install React on Window’s System
Usually we use VsCode’s terminal you can use cmd/PowerShell/ totally yours choice.
Pre-requisite for ReactJS
- NodeJS and NPM
First install NodeJS and before you ask let me tell you what is NodeJS :- Node.js is a runtime environment that helps to execute JavaScript code from outside a browser. NPM, the Node package manager is used for managing and sharing the packages for React/Angular. After you have installed the NodeJs package just do check its version by running the below command in terminal. now you are ready to create your first react app.
How to check nodejs and npm version
Do you know how to create react app?
if yes that’s great and if answer in no, Don’t worry I’m here to help you.
after pressing the enter wait for few minutes depending on your system specifications, my person experience is that if you want to work/learn React Js you system must have min 8gb ram and 240gb SSD, if ram could be 16gb perfect it will compile super fast. Basically compilation time depends on size of project and used modules.
when your project is ready check the directory of your project or change it by using cd command like below. as in our case application name is – app-name
Hurray you have created your first ReactJs app successfully.